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Taming the Monkey Mind with Darity Wesley, Award-Winning Author

Published: December 13, 2019
Taming the Monkey Mind with Darity Wesley, Award-Winning Author

Award-Winning Author, Attorney, Death Diva, and Modern Day Oracle, Darity Wesley discusses “taming the monkey mind” and the 5 keys to unlocking the ‘real’ you. Darity’s advice focuses on life-changing practices that can be implemented into your every day, starting today!

Darity’s 5 Keys to Unlocking the REAL You:

  1. Stop Caring What Other People Think
  2. Accept Yourself
  3. Lose the Past
  4. Allow Yourself to be Vulnerable
  5. Be Open and Honest with Yourself (and others)

Connect with Darity:

  2. Sign up to receive a 1x/m email of Darity’s thoughts called “Love From The Lotus World”.
  3. Browse Darity’s selection of books, including a 52-week series “You Can Transform Your Life”.