Your profile picture is your clients' first impression of you and your brand. Your image needs to be crisp, professional-yet-approachable and successfully represent who you are and what you have to offer, or you may end up losing on palpable prospects and leads.
However, there are a few nuances to creating a positive impression. Have a solid grasp of the image basics. Know where you plan to do most of your social business and how you intend to leverage your image for other marketing opportunities. But above all, create professional-looking photos that better embrace who you are and what you have to offer.
Quality is a major factor in creating a perfect profile picture, and selecting a high-quality image is also one of the most annoying steps to generating great opening images. For example, instead of choosing an image based on the size you're seeing on your screen, try choosing an image based on pixels.
Wait, what? A pixel is a unit of square-shaped measurement. The more pixels you have, the better the image quality tends to be. But having image quality that's too high may also result in a much larger file. Larger image files can take longer to upload, and some platforms may not accept the image if it’s bigger than the max number of pixels allowed.
Most platforms tell you what you need in terms of size for your image, but also take into consideration what you want the image to show and what you want the primary focus to be.
Next, make sure your profile photo is cropped properly. Try not to crop out the top of your head or any important aspects. Don’t crop too much of the sides, either. It’s best to have your image centered, or on a third, and in full view.
If you prefer to use natural light when taking pictures, consider the time of day. Too much shadow within profile photos may hide your face or make the photo harder to see.
When choosing profile pictures, it’s essential to reflect on the social media platforms you’ll be posting them to.
For example, if you have a LinkedIn profile, try using a professional headshot or hire a professional photographer to take your picture. This allows your image to fit into the general theme and expectation of the site.
When posting to sites that utilize a cover photo, try complementing each element with your profile image as well. For example, if you have a Facebook profile picture of you and your beloved pup, try using a Facebook cover photo of you and your pup with a valued client to help tie things together.
Each social media platform has a specific audience that utilizes it more than the other available platforms. Keeping that audience in mind when creating the messaging you want to convey with your image is crucial.
If you utilize picture-based platforms, Instagram - for example, be sure to capitalize on the candid nature of the platform. Your Instagram profile picture sets a tone, and the platform allows you to do so with various filters.
Choose a filter that complements your image. Be sure the image is clear, focuses on you and your personal brand, but use the quirky, understated or niche features of your brand to make yourself more memorable. It'll also help you get your message across without drowning your audience in noise.
Wait, what? "Noise" refers to too much targeted messaging or information. Learning to balance your information with what your audience can handle is a pivotal key to online success.
Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine. If you have a signature shade you wear or have a pose often incorporated in your branding, use them to show your clients and prospects who you are.
Incorporating your identity into your social media profile pictures provides a sense of authenticity - something many folks want from their chosen professionals.
If you're one to update your branding based on the seasons, holidays or other times of year, try using a profile picture template. With a template, you can add any color schemes within your brand and even incorporate logos for a cool profile picture.
A quality profile pic is an essential way to start establishing your online presence. How you portray your business should emanate from your profile picture and your overall social media activity.
For more social media marketing tips and tricks, consider checking out Elm Street Technology’s social media webinar, held every week on Tuesday.