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Poll Results

Participated in our live survey?
Here’s the group results.

Have you already
re-evaluated / adjusted
your annual projections yet?

what percentage have you
adjusted your numbers by?

How many of you feel you
are still “on track” with your
2020 financial projections?

What tools are you
using more now than previously?

60% Social Media
57% Virtual Tours/Meetings
51% Email/Text/Video
19% Online Lead Gen.

Have you had any pending
transactions cancel to date?

Do you know the source of your
largest number of transactions?

29% Past Clients
10% Online Lead Gen.
7% Social Media/Networking

Webinar Downloads
Worksheets and Outlines to help you REevaluate!
Financial Analysis
Income & Expense Tracking
Download Spreadsheet
Review of Last Year
Monthly Production & Source
Download Spreadsheet
REevaluate Worksheet
Tips, Outlines & SWOT Analysis
Download .PDF

Connect with a Success Coach

We’re here to help you succeed during (and after) this market shift.
By submitting this form, you are requesting to be contacted by a member of the Elevate Sales Team at the details provided via text, email or call (may involve automated or pre-recorded means). You may revoke this consent through any reasonable means.