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Real Estate Marketing Best Practices in a COVID-19 Society

Published: March 16, 2020
Real Estate Marketing Best Practices in a COVID-19 Society

As human beings we crave connection and collaboration. The health and safety precautions being enacted by millions of our citizens creates a void for personal interaction and community. As a real estate professional, it is critical to interact with a large quantity of people consistently. Netflix is reporting record streams. Facebook is reporting record engagement times and logins. The bottom-line is that people are self-isolating and relying on social media to stay entertained, connected, and informed. This reality creates an incredible opportunity for us to become the centerpiece, facilitator, moderator, and conduit and for our communities to stay engaged and up-to-date with the latest, most relevant, life-style information.

Here are a few ideas to help you leverage the opportunities created by this potential health crisis:

Assess your social media channels, connections and automation capabilities.

Are they up to par for you to communicate with your online community?

  • FB, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube

Assess your blog posting capabilities and syndication across social channels.

Make sure your online community knows that you are providing lots of great, helpful content on all of your communication channels.

Content Strategy:

  1. Be the source of relevant and timely local, lifestyle information (not necessarily real estate related).

  2. Pre-market open houses and do them as FB live events.

  3. Market to your connections via social media announcing an upcoming open house. Customers are unlikely to attend but you can go to your open house and use your phone or tablet to do FB or Insta live and walk through the home and talk about the benefits of purchasing the home…, not JUST the home’s features.

  4. Offer to drop off supplies for the elderly or residents that are restricted from getting around. You can deliver much needed supplies at the front door without physically interacting with people that want to stay isolated but need help. Write a small note and/or leave your card for people.

  5. Connect to the CDC website, Covid-19 Virus government site, local government and schools, etc. and provide helpful links and resources across your social channels.

  6. Connect with your lender partner and provide refinance opportunity information. Many people are at home with lots of free time and they may be interested in doing the due diligence associated with refinancing and taking advantage of record low interest rates.

  7. Ask questions, lots of questions so your social spheres can respond with opinions and answers. Ask about restaurants providing free deliveries and any/all businesses offering free deliveries. Ask about business closings.

  8. Ask for people to respond if they are available for independent contract work from home to supplement their income and become a solution center for businesses that may need extra help or that are willing to provide people with additional work opportunities.

  9. Connect with local businesses (restaurants, shops, etc) and offer to promote coupons or discounts through your marketing channels for people interested or willing to venture out.

  10. Offer to run errands for people that need help.

  11. Research and offer DIY recipes for hand-sanitizer, cleaning supplies, and different ways to improvise with common house-hold items.

Have more great ideas to share? We want to hear them!
Connect with us on our social channels: FB, Insta, IN, TW

Need help with your social media and other online communication channels? Connect with an Elevate Success Coach to learn how we can help:, 844-792-0260.