Social media is a strong facet of content marketing. Even if you aren't promoting your own, sharing what you consider enjoyable or valuable content still carries weight in the land of lead generation and keeping yourself actively engaged.
But how does it all work? Do you need an overabundance of targeted paid ads, overly engaged Facebook groups orbiting way outside your interest level and a PhD in promotion strategy? Or is it as easy as a chuckle from the right social media platforms and a quick share with a relatable hashtag?
There's no shortage of content on the internet. That is a point of fact. However, there is a shortage of content considered quality, hearty or even just plain interesting. If you happen to share any of those lackluster pieces, you may not be flagged, but your credibility could take a hit.
Repost content that has decent grammar with minimal spelling errors. If there are links associated with it, be sure they lead to reputable sites and have a secured connection. After all, you don't want your personal brand associated with spam or online security risks.
If you're sharing a blog post, make sure there's a high-quality featured image that translates to your social media. Ensure the post is around 250 to 300 words at minimum, just to provide a little extra value to any engaged followers who may want to read it. Plus, if they like it and share it, it could bring new followers back to your page!
When reposting, even if it's not your own, remember to share content your target audience will find engaging. Your follower base comes to you as their expert in the area. They trust the value your brand has to offer them and the information you present to them.
On the other side, most don't want to see the same content promotion strategy repeatedly. In fact, many would like to see their trusted professional let loose a bit. Add some video content of your promo bloopers. Maybe you read a few blog articles on the best Halloween decorations and want to open a fun dialogue with a "comment below!" call to action.
No matter what relevant content you post, your audience wants to know one thing above your professional prowess: you're human, and you get everyday life. Remember, your social platforms and online presence are more than just digital marketing: they're a chance to make a genuine connection with the people you serve.
Remember when we mentioned that a share from your content means a trace back to you? Well, this is where it pays off. Not only is there typically one link back to your content and account, but there's an opportunity to engage with your customers and their immediate social circles.
When you get a notification that a piece of your content's been shared, you can usually access the post through that notification. Once you see who it is, give them a quick comment and a "thank you for sharing." This not only shows you're reachable and easy to connect with, but that you really invest in your online communities.
Regardless of your content promotion strategies, there's always room to test new audience engagement tactics, social media advertising, paid promotion and generally have fun. Follow these quick and easy tips - or join us for a deeper dive into social media promotion and best practices, and you'll be sure to post relevant, relatable content every time.