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How to Achieve Success through Intent: One Real Estate Entrepreneur's Story

Published: September 26, 2019
How to Achieve Success through Intent: One Real Estate Entrepreneur's Story

"Relationships are the driver for me in everything that I do," says Molly McKinley. You may recognize her name as a former technology executive in the real estate space.

In fact, it was Molly's relationship with real estate professionals during her time as a tech executive that, in part, led her to start a company of her own, Intentionaliteas, an "intentional gifting platform" that helps agents "stay in flow" with current and past clients via automated gift giving.

Molly is the first guest in a new interview series, 24/seven with Bondilyn Jolly, that explores "the person behind the professional." In each episode, host and real estate technology entrepreneur Bondilyn Jolly delves into what makes each guest tick—and what inspiration agents and brokers can learn from them. The series is produced by 3sixtyfive, a creative marketing agency that serves real estate professionals. Each episode delivers content via podcast, video, written interview, and photography.

So what's Molly's secret to being remarkable at business? "Being thoughtful," she says in this episode. "We as human beings are just hardwired to connect with each other and that's the part that most people are trying to shortcut." But thoughtfulness takes time, and it isn't always easy, so she wondered how could she create thoughtfulness for people in their businesses so it's not just about technology, but "good, old-fashioned emotional intelligence."

Hear more about how Intentionaliteas helps real estate agents achieve just that, Molly's spiritual approach to life and work, her dreams, greatest fears, and hopes for the future in this episode of 24/seventhis episode of 24/seven.

Visit the official podcast webpage to listen to the interview and explore bonus content. You can also watch the podcast at the video below or stream it on your podcast app of choice: Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Castbox, Transistor, and Listen Notes.

Podcast Timeline

0:12 - Bondilyn introduces the podcast and its first-ever guest, Molly McKinley.

3:13 - Molly shares her spiritual and intent-driven approach to work and life.

8:21 - Molly talks about how she first conceived the concept for Intentionaliteas.

10:00 - How working with real estate professionals during the previous five years influenced the creation and concept of Molly's business.

11:48 - Molly explains the basic idea behind Intentionaliteas, and how it automates and simplifies the gift-giving process for real estate agents.

14:05 - Molly shares her greatest fear going into starting a new business from scratch.

16:42 - How authenticity, right living, and not sacrificing her core principles are central to Molly in life and in business.

19:48 - Bondilyn and Molly discuss being mindful and being at a point in life where everything needs to align. Molly talks about how the technology she uses aligns with who she is, and how she uses it to manage and run her business.

24:37 - Molly offers advice to others who are looking to start a business or make a leap of faith like she did.

28:05 - Molly introduces us to her new podcast, Afternoon Tea, which features conversations for and with women in business.

30:35 - Bondilyn wraps up the podcast and points listeners to bonus content related to this episode (see below).

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